We believe in giving back and supporting other organizations doing important work in our community. For years, Gary Oliver and now Urban Safari Rescue Society have donated time and effort to events and organizations that work to improve the lives of children.
Every year we amaze, educate, and entertain children suffering with cancer or those with disabilities by sharing with them our animal ambassadors at no charge. We don’t get anything out of it but a warm glow and the animals get extra cuddles–which is important too.
While you peruse through our community work, consider donating to Urban Safari to help care for the animals and allow us to continue bringing smiles to the children and adults in our community.

Surrey School District – DREAMS ACADEMY
We are proud to be partnering with the Surrey School District for their DREAMS Spring Program. We donate our time and bring animals to 4 different schools involved in the program. We teach the kids about animals, habitats, adaptations, animal characteristics and much more. Read on to learn more about DREAMS:
“The DREAM Academy after-school program surrounds students with positive role models who focus on strength-based approaches that facilitate academic achievement, increased leadership abilities, and healthy social development.
Participating students receive value-added time to their school day through unique and fun educational activities, relationship development opportunities and academic support in a safe, caring and supportive learning environment.”

Canuck Place
We love visiting the kids at Canuck Place. And they love it too!
Here is a letter from a happy adult:
“I wanted to send along our sincere thanks for your visit last Thursday! Wow! What an amazing show and the children there were just so engaged.
It’s always such a special treat when you folks come into the Hospice – the children and families look forward to it and often it is the highlight of their stay with us.
As promised, I’m sending along a picture of Jayden (one kid who was there).
We truly appreciate your kindness and generosity. It was so great to see the kids being brave and touching / holding various animals (myself included). Thank you once again.

Variety Club – Boat for Hope
Gary and crew have been taking part in this fantastic day-long event for children with disabilities for 14 years.
“Gary, your time given to these children over the past 9 years have certainly surpassed all sponsor expectations. No words can express the joy and excitement your critters big & small have brought to those wonderful variety children. You & your crew have given so much of your time and love each & every year & your involvement has been amazing. I do hope you continue with the Boat for Hope as the kids just love to see you and all your animals…. A very heartfelt thanks.” – Kelly Yamauchi (The Boat for Hope Kids Variety Club)

Children’s Hospital Foundation – Balding for Dollars
Since the very inception of Balding Dollars Gary Oliver and crew have been bringing animals to Children’s Hospital events to give kids and their families going through cancer treatment or recovering from cancer some adventure, encouraging their curiosity about animals, and giving them something to focus on other than their illness. We have attended many fundraising events and enjoyed every minute. We do it free, as a way to give back to the community.

Douglas College – Animal Care Certificate Program
We have teamed up with the Animal Care Certificate program at Douglas College to provide a few animals for the day each semester so the students can have some hands-on experience with exotic animals. The animals get a spa day and the students get valuable hands-on experience. Win! Win!